Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rule out pornography

There is a movie that my friend recently told me about called Middle Men. It's the story of the  beginning of on line pornography and how explosive it became. When I discussed this with my Apple genius and advisor Ken and suggested that we could sell more David Hamilton tickets by incorporating this type of attraction he told me what I already suspected......keep it clean. So that's the end of that idea. But , the movie was good and an eye opener in a way.
 Being a zoology major prior to entering dental school, I viewed the human condition from the  "we are all animals " perspective. This is good in away because it is a realistic and scientific view of the subject. It explains things that are difficult to understand on a more sophisticated and socially acceptable level.
So, rather than explore the more intrinsic and basic human condition, I will return to the subtle beauty of love songs and other human emotional software.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Romancing for fun or...

Before the Clouds Break Through. New encounters and romantic relationships are very exciting. But where do they lead ? I find it interesting how many sexual partners Carrie Bradshaw has had on Sex in The City.......and leading to what. Maybe a  Big breakthrough and happiness ( with or without children ).
But, most times, I've found through my earlier years that the fun and freedom to move on sustained my youthful pleasures. So, check out the song Before the Clouds Break Through on iTunes (or stream for free here) because there are things that can't be said except through a song.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Outrageous music and performance

How outrageous does an act have to be today to be successful ?
First there was the suit and tie performer  and then the tie came off. Then  the shirt collar loosened.
Then the shirt came off. Ultimately there was Jim Morrison's alleged exposure.
When you question  this evolution in music you run the risk of being considered conservative or uptight.
Well, that may be true but maybe there is an ebb and flow regarding artistic there should be.
So, there is no right or wrong.
So what am I saying......Regardless of the performance, it's art. And there are two components to art. One is the performance  and its effect on the audience. The other is the business of art and there always has been and always will be a business of art.
The David Hamilton Project is revolutionary in terms sharing the business with the patrons or fans.
It's mutual FUN.  

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Judging talent

I believe that we all need a way to express our true feelings. Singing and performing are great ways to do this. It doesn't matter how it sounds. What matters is the fun of doing what feels good. So, when I see  TV shows that judge and criticize I am a bit taken back. I know its popular but it just bothers me.
There is a big difference between wanting to sing for singings sake and wanting to make money in show business. People and children in particular should be encouraged to sing, to feel and to enjoy doing it  .
It's difficult to verbalize feelings, so please take a listen to the song Just For Me...that says it  a lot better.

Listen freely on the David Hamilton Project web page or find it on iTunes

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


No matter what our  age is, we all started off as children. We cried, we laughed and we were pretty unaffected by social protocol. Then we eventually grew up, matured and kind of learned how to still have fun within the confines of the social system around us. But,  deep inside, we still had our feelings. It seems that when we hear good songs or see good art, this brings out those hidden feelings again...and we tend to live again and feel again. That's important and that's a lot  of what the music of the David Hamilton Project is all about.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

From the textbook of Orthodontics

"Growth in size is accompanied by growth in internal structure, enabling the 8 year old child to function mentally at nearly the same level as an adult." from Textbook of Orthodontics by Samir E. Bishara

So what this is basically saying, is that an 8 year old has the brain capability to mentally function as an adult.  The point being, that what these children are exposed to influences them (sometimes for a lifetime), when they are in reality perfectly capable of thinking on their own.  So we are influenced by the school system, by our friends and by the music we listen to.  I think we are basically all good people, however negative influences can distract one from being a positive influence in society.

I was doing my Sunday walk on South Beach, when I noticed a driver of a car having an argument with some kids on skateboards.  I watched for a few minutes and when the scene escalated I ran across the street and yelled to hold off, and basically prevented a fist fight.  Everyone went their own way and I continued walking.  I wonder in todays media thirst for exciting videos how many people might have recorded the confrontation, and rather than preventing it, root for a fight.  I think we need to do more of the right thing and I try to express this in the music that I've created for the David Hamilton Project

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Those of us involved in the David Hamilton Project hope that our readers had a fantastic holiday weekend... Good times, with good friends and of course a good soundtrack.  We remain hard at work here on making the project a reality, and thought this was the perfect  opportunity to reflect on our choice of date for the concert.  One of the fundamental aspects of the music is that it is truly heartfelt and genuine.  If you haven't already, you can freely listen to any of the songs here.  With sentimental music, what better day for a show than Valentines Day?  Its an opportunity to celebrate a holiday for love the way it is meant to be: with loved ones doing something enjoyable and even romantic.  This will truly be a holiday to remember

Thursday, August 11, 2011


A concession to the naysayers:  Yes, this does sound impossible.  Selling out a major venue for an 'unheard of' artist has never been done before.  The entire basis of the David Hamilton Project is alien to the music industry as we know it.  There is an established protocol for a band to 'make it big' and it is very different from what we are talking about here

And here's a revelation to the naysayers: So was flight, so was electricity, so was space travel, so was the ability to 'record' music and so was pretty much everything else you do and encounter on the average day

Everything worthwhile was once impossible.  It just takes a good, sound idea and a lot of determination.  There will always be obstacles to overcome, and it won't come easy... but the end result is worth it.  We've worked hard on fine tuning the concept of a 'Mutual Fun' and all thats left to do is share it.  Think of the possibilities

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer job

I had an appointment with a physician a few days ago and a young lady came in the room to get some information from me. She was a student at Vanderbilt University who was spending her summer time to see how this  neurology office worked.  I wondered how interesting this summer occupation was for this girl. Instead of spending her time this way, she could be making money and getting people involved in a revolutionary music project  that would make a lot of people happy and maybe wealthy... the concept of mutual fun with the David Hamilton Project. I think that helping people in a doctor's office is a noble thing but I also think that life is short and spending your  youth  dealing with pathology is not too exciting.
I must add a caveat to this... my computer tutor in order to not alienate  people  (especially pathologists)
encourages me to not say that pathology is not exciting.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Musical Motivations and Memories

Music is such an integral part of life if you think about it.  Our lives all have soundtracks.  Many find that certain songs inspire them to work out, or at work.  Many have a long list of songs that remind them of things.  Maybe its the lyrics of a song that remind them of their first date, their first kiss, of any memorable moment in their lives.  Or maybe its just that a particular song happened to be on the radio at that time.  Regardless of what it means to us, or why, the reality is that music plays a very significant role in our lives.   Try to imagine your life without music!  Personally I can't even imagine such a scenario

One of the aspirations of the David Hamilton Project is the concept of fan participation/involvement/ownership.  Why not take something that is so central to our lives, and give all of us the opportunity to be involved to a greater extent.  Music has been a significant part of society for a very long time, and will remain so for generations to come.  Let's all have a stake in shaping it, enjoying it, profiting from it and sharing it.  All of us, not just a select few, deserve the ability to be involved in this pillar of civilization

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Dream

I had a dream a few nights ago that people were responding to the idea of a " mutual fun " and the David Hamilton Project.  Everyone involved was so excited that they were part of something that was  positive. Something invigorating and instrumental to the evolution of music. People were happy that they were having an impact on the music that they loved and at the same time having a positive impact on society.
The church congregation that now had funds to build their new addition. The social worker that could now
have the extra funds to bring their needy clients to the dentist for much needed therapy. The public schools that  instead of having to limit music programs could now offer kids the chance to participate in bands, orchestras, choirs and drama programs. It was amazing to see what people could do together to make this a really change the world and make it a better place.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Innovation in music

The concept of  selling a hybrid ticket/security in a new music venture offers challenging opportunities.
The question is, can enough people be encouraged to participate. There  are so many "solicitations"
out there and everyone is so busy that when a new and exciting ( and honest ) project is proposed  adequate
numbers of participants are difficult to acquire. So, what's the answer. One option is to just give up. Believing in the benefits of this endeavor, the social benefits and the satisfaction of knowing that a lot of people are going to really enjoy this  novel adventure it becomes  an unstoppable challenge.
I believe we only live once and it is quite satisfying at the end of our journey to know that we gave everything we had. So there you go.
Please listen to the David Hamilton Music. There's true meaning in the lyrics. The idea of participating in a new music venture is what I like to call a mutual fun.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Opportunity, risk and reward

Some say when one door closes another opens.  Some say opportunity knocks just once.  I think there is truth to both of those statements, but its not that simple.  Maybe you regret not checking what was behind that first door, or the second, or the third and so on.  Maybe when opportunity knocks, you will lock the deadbolt and hide from the uncertainty.  I would be willing to bet anything, that everyone who is honest with themselves has wondered 'what if' at some point in time

What if I had made that investment?
What if I had gone there?
What if I had taken that risk?
What if I put it all on the line?

Maybe I could have been rich, and retired with a nice mansion on a Caribbean beach somewhere.  Maybe I wouldn't be.  But I can't help but wonder, what if...

Look at every success story.  They aren't wondering what if because they did.  Yes, there is the flip side, and some have not been able to achieve their dreams, but at least they can say they tried and be at peace with themselves because of it.  What if things had worked out better, is a very different question than what if I had given it my all.  I've missed opportunity before, and I will always look back and wonder what would have happened if I coulda/shoulda/woulda.  I believe there is nothing more painful than seeing someone else reap the rewards of something that you could have, should have and would have.  In those instances though, it's my fault.  I didn't.  Good for whoever did: they did.  That regret, that doubt, that wondering is not how I want to live my life.  I am a doer.  I am a believer that hard work, good intentions and good support will always be a rewarding experience.  I will not look back on my life 50 years from now and wonder what if.  I will live comfortably, with or without financial wealth knowing I tried, knowing I did everything I possibly could to make our world a better place.  I sincerely believe I will, and with that belief I will push forward.  No matter what

The road is long, but that makes the reward greater.  If it was easy someone would have done it by now.  I'm not suggesting you sell everything you own and buy hundreds of tickets to the David Hamilton Project.  That would be foolish.  But I look at this project and I see incredible potential.  Potential that any one can be part of with a moderate investment.  Great potential reward, with only minimal risk?  That sounds good to me!  Now add to that the inevitable changes this will usher into the music business. Changes that I truly believe will make music better for its fans and for its creators.  I don't need a beach house in the Caribbean if we've turned the whole world into paradise

In regards to the David Hamilton Project, just as in everything else in life, we all have opportunity.  We all must choose, do we take the risk and reach for the reward?  Do we let that opportunity pass and hope for a better one?  Do we do? Or do we wait idly as the world rushes by?  We will all have opportunities in life, I hope we all can make the most of them

Me... I'm gonna go out there and do.  I'm gonna fight the good fight, and when I am done, I can confidently say I did.  Only you can choose how you will proceed

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Going to Europe

I'll be flying to London, then Paris and then Barcelona. It's a pleasure trip but I do want to meet music journalists  and expose the music of the David Hamilton Project to Europe. Wouldn't it be nice to have people from around the world come to Miami every Valentines day for this very special music event.
All big projects had a beginning. And when you're pretty sure that you've developed something worthwhile, exciting and beneficial to society it makes it that much more rewarding ( and in this case very profitable for the people that have signed  up  in the initial stages ).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Revolution of an industry

Remember when you used to go to the record store to buy music? When a new album came out you had a few options... hope to hear your favorite DJ play it on the local radio station, or run to the nearest store and pick it up. These new CD's were often close to $20. But how much of that went to the artists? The musician whose creative talent was responsible for the song you couldn't wait to listen to 1000x over only got a small percentage of that. Sure some made decent money, but the real money went to the record labels. Well the days of buying CDs at the store are essentially over. (How many of the record stores you used to go to are even still in business?!) Now it's all online, it's all digital. iTunes is at the top. Perhaps this break from 'traditional' is the perfect opportunity to revolutionize other aspects of the music industry as well! Let's use this opportunity to do just that. Let's return the creative control to the people who should have it: the artist. And let's let their fans have an easy way to make their input heard. The David Hamilton Project aims to do just that

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The music

The idea of how a song is born is interesting. First comes the idea. Then I sit down at the piano and figure a chord structure...minor chords for sad songs, etc. Then the lyrics and then it's called a lead sheet. This is the
blueprint for the song. It's like setting up a canvas for a painting. Once in the studio the song takes shape via the orchetsration. Final editing, obtain copyright and sell the damn thing. If enough people like it, you're in business. If not, you have an enjoyable hobby. Either way, it's a very fullfilling endeavor.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The concept of a mutual fun

I read a great book called Do You Sincerely Want to Be Rich. It was the story of Bernard Cornfeld and how he started one of the largest off shore mutal fund companies in the world. He was so smart and clever in his business approach and yet he was so unorthodox in his ways. I thought that if he could achieve such great success selling a  financial plan ( a rather unemotional, dry topic ) what if I could utilize  his methods
with regards to an exciting musical concept...The David Hamilton project .
It would get people involved  both as fans and investors.....Mutual Fun.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tenor Saxophone

When I was in the 7th grade at Ida M. Fisher Junior High School ( about 1960 ) Mrs. Dinino was the music teacher. We were requested to select the instrument . I chose the tenor saxophone. I'm not really sure why I chose this particular instrument but that was the beginning of 7 years of formal education.

Heart wrenching balads

When I was growing up , I think at about age 13, I used to listen to my radio and try to record the music with a small mic. Then I learned that I could hook up leads to the speaker...a better way. But, I was a sucker for heart wrenching ballads. Especially Paul Anka stuff. I mean, he cried singing some of his songs. It was beautiful.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Blog

We are launching a blog so that you can stay up to date on all the latest and greatest David Hamilton Project news!  Be sure to check back frequently