First if all Happy New Year to everyone reading this. Our fans, supporters and everyone else involved in the project are truly a blessing. We hope you've had a wonderful holiday season and wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012!
To start of the new year, let's get to know each other a little better. The David Hamilton Project team, starting with myself, would like to introduce ourselves to all of our supporters. We are of course available for any questions comments and suggestions.
I'm Kenneth Bereski II, the resident geek. I run a small Macintosh consulting firm (employing me, myself and I) with a focus on putting the clients first. I've got 10 years of experience in the IT sector, including 5 years of self employment here in south Florida, and almost 4 years as an Apple employee.
I grew up in the northeast, and attended Boston College, where I majored in Philosophy. Unfortunately they didn't offer and majors in being a BC Eagles fan... While in school I attended football, basketball and hockey games in 21 states (and have been to 7 additional since).
I'm also a very active bicycling advocate ( ). I never got a drivers license, and honestly don't really have any desire or need to do so. My bike gets me everywhere I need to go and just as fast if not faster. It's also environmentally friendly, affordable and healthy. I've got no issues cycling to clients 20 miles away, in fact I enjoy it. It allows me to integrate my fitness with my work day, rather than coming up with excuses to be lazy at the end f a long day. Unfortunately south Florida is not very bike friendly, so I do what I can to help change that. Eventually this area will become a cycling utopia, after all we've already got year round beautiful weather and nice flat terrain. It's perfect, if only cyclists were respected on the roads.
In case you didn't figure it out already, I'm quite passionate about everything I do. I don't believe there is any point in doing something if you aren't willing to give it your all and don't believe in yourself. So that's why I'm here today
The David Hamilton Project is truly unique, and I believe an exciting opportunity to be involved and make a difference in the world. I'm very much looking forward to meeting many of the projects fans and supporters and sharing in the success of the project with all of you