Thursday, June 23, 2011

Opportunity, risk and reward

Some say when one door closes another opens.  Some say opportunity knocks just once.  I think there is truth to both of those statements, but its not that simple.  Maybe you regret not checking what was behind that first door, or the second, or the third and so on.  Maybe when opportunity knocks, you will lock the deadbolt and hide from the uncertainty.  I would be willing to bet anything, that everyone who is honest with themselves has wondered 'what if' at some point in time

What if I had made that investment?
What if I had gone there?
What if I had taken that risk?
What if I put it all on the line?

Maybe I could have been rich, and retired with a nice mansion on a Caribbean beach somewhere.  Maybe I wouldn't be.  But I can't help but wonder, what if...

Look at every success story.  They aren't wondering what if because they did.  Yes, there is the flip side, and some have not been able to achieve their dreams, but at least they can say they tried and be at peace with themselves because of it.  What if things had worked out better, is a very different question than what if I had given it my all.  I've missed opportunity before, and I will always look back and wonder what would have happened if I coulda/shoulda/woulda.  I believe there is nothing more painful than seeing someone else reap the rewards of something that you could have, should have and would have.  In those instances though, it's my fault.  I didn't.  Good for whoever did: they did.  That regret, that doubt, that wondering is not how I want to live my life.  I am a doer.  I am a believer that hard work, good intentions and good support will always be a rewarding experience.  I will not look back on my life 50 years from now and wonder what if.  I will live comfortably, with or without financial wealth knowing I tried, knowing I did everything I possibly could to make our world a better place.  I sincerely believe I will, and with that belief I will push forward.  No matter what

The road is long, but that makes the reward greater.  If it was easy someone would have done it by now.  I'm not suggesting you sell everything you own and buy hundreds of tickets to the David Hamilton Project.  That would be foolish.  But I look at this project and I see incredible potential.  Potential that any one can be part of with a moderate investment.  Great potential reward, with only minimal risk?  That sounds good to me!  Now add to that the inevitable changes this will usher into the music business. Changes that I truly believe will make music better for its fans and for its creators.  I don't need a beach house in the Caribbean if we've turned the whole world into paradise

In regards to the David Hamilton Project, just as in everything else in life, we all have opportunity.  We all must choose, do we take the risk and reach for the reward?  Do we let that opportunity pass and hope for a better one?  Do we do? Or do we wait idly as the world rushes by?  We will all have opportunities in life, I hope we all can make the most of them

Me... I'm gonna go out there and do.  I'm gonna fight the good fight, and when I am done, I can confidently say I did.  Only you can choose how you will proceed

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